WEPA Professional UK Ltd

In Kind Patron

About WEPA Professional UK Ltd

WEPA professional produce high-quality hygiene paper and matching dispenser solutions used in public lavatories, hotels, restaurants, in industry settings, offices and health care.

With our well-known brands BlackSatino, Satino by WEPA, our WEPA Professional UK brands and additional customised solutions, we provide specialist retailers with a standard-setting range in terms of efficiency and sustainability.

How and Why WEPA Professional UK Ltd Support Nightsafe

WEPA professional formerly Star Tissue, had had a long-standing relationship with Nightsafe. For around five years they have provided the charity with toilet paper, and kitchen roll.

Farhan Saifullah, Sales & Marketing Executive, said: “The relationship between Nightsafe and the company dates back years, longer than I have been here.
We produce toilet paper, kitchen roll and hygiene roll for GP practices amongst other lines. If during our manufacturing an item has small defects such as a slightly crushed core or inadequate glue – these items are saved and donated by the pallet load to Nightsafe on a regular basis for use in their day centre, emergency night shelter and housing projects.

We know it’s a fast-moving commodity that people take for granted. It’s something you see everywhere, and it’s used by everyone. It should be a basic necessity that everyone has access to.

We know most of the youngsters supported by the charity are from Blackburn and Darwen, and the founders of our company are from Blackburn and raised in Blackburn. They want to give back to their community.

We are known in our industry for our products, but we are also known in our locality for our community focus. We like to think of ourselves as a valued member of the community who help out those we can.

WEPA Professional UK Ltd

WEPA Professional UK Ltd
WEPA Professional UK Ltd