
Zac's Story

Zac, 19, was supported by Nightsafe during his education.

Read Zac’s story here:

Zac's Story

I had attended a special school out of area due to my behaviour for the last two years of education. I was supported in Platform 5 to consider options for work or college.

College construction was my first choice. I was supported to prepare for interview as I had very negative experiences of education; I succeeded at interview and was given a start date.

An Increase in Confidence

It was identified that I struggled with basic skills and so a volunteer mentor at Nightsafe, Iain, was identified. Iain was a recently retired school support worker and was able to help me increase my confidence. I passed my exams and excelled in brick laying. After two years I was offered a job.

Zac's Story

I struggled with basic skills and so a volunteer mentor at Nightsafe, Iain, helped me increase my confidence.

The job was going well until I started to be bullied by an older work colleague. The company was supportive however the bullying continued and I left my job. I was very depressed for a while but with support and encouragement from staff at Platform 5 I picked myself up and have made decision to try and join the Army.

I recently had my first Army interview week and I feel it went well and I have been given the date for my first fitness test. I have subsequently reduced my smoking and have been signposted to my doctor for help with this.

Nightsafe Taught Me Lifeskills

I was taught a number of life skills by Nightsafe and about the importance of my actions. I noticed that some of my peer group are trying to disrupt my efforts to join the Army – one offering me a roll up cigarette – which I could tell contained cannabis. I know I have to remain extra vigilant.

If my Army application is successful, plans are in place to help me to apply for funds to help me purchase the kit which will be around £350.00.

** Images shown are not of actual person to protect their identity.

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