Platform 5
An Activity Based Day Centre
Platform 5 aims to support you, providing independent advice and guidance around housing and homelessness.
What To Expect

Platform 5 delivers a variety of positive activities including AQA accredited lifewise units
Nightsafe’s activity based day centre, Platform 5, is open Monday to Friday 10am-4pm. Staff and volunteers will welcome you and ask how they can support you. We provide independent advice and guidance around housing and homelessness, advice on all the different options available to a young person, provide support with housing and referrals to housing projects, liaise with landlords to help secure accommodation and/or help prevent eviction, support with applying for benefits and with budgeting money, support young people to access education/training/access employment opportunities.
Who Else Will Be There?
Lots of different people come to Platform 5 including those staying in our emergency nightshelter, people living in Nightsafe accommodation, rough sleepers, people living independently and in other supported accommodation projects. Nightsafe welcomes young people from any background, religion, culture, gender, sexuality, ethnicity and ability.
How Do I Access It?
Come to the Boulevard Centre and press the Platform 5 buzzer, someone will come and greet you.
What Does It Cost?
It is free for young people staying in the shelter or those who are street homeless, and only 50p per visit for everyone else. This 50p goes towards tea, coffee, sugar for brews, lunch costs, activity costs etc. We appreciate that young people may not always have money available and we work round this with the young person.