August Update Totaliser

We’d like to thank everyone who continues to donate towards our £100K challenge.

Donations have continued to flow in – but we’re not there yet! Please please please continue to help us reach our target so we can continue to provide essential support to young homeless people across East Lancashire.

To date, we have raised £39,978.92

Since the last update, Jan’s £££s for Lbs challenge has seen money rolling in as our very own CEO pledged to lose 30lb in 3 months to raise money for the charity she holds so dear to her heart. Trust us, it’s not all fun and games for her – but every time it gets hard, she keeps thinking about those people the charity supports.

Move over Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry – we’ve also had a donation from a young man called Joseph, aged 8, who has raised money by baking.

Greggs the bakers have continued to support us by providing vouchers, and butchers have give Nightsafe donations of meat to help us feed the young people in our care and provide them with healthy and nutritious meals.

A very kind person, who wished to remain anonymous, has also delivered an exercise bike to our Safe@Silas project to help the six young people living there stay fit and active during lockdown. Thank you.

We’ve also been given a donation of pans, crockery, cutlery and glassware as part of a move-on donation for our young people. This will help those individuals set up their own home and stand on their own two feet with support.

Tauheedul Girls School have donated gallons of Soap and Glory toiletries to help us provide care packages to the young people accessing our services, and Morrisons has donated essential provisions for our day centre.

Without each and every one of these donations, no matter how big or small, it would be so much harder to support those young people who have no home to call their own. AT a time when we’re told to stay at home, some have no option but to live on the streets. Please help us to help them.

Without the help of our supporters, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do.

Thank you to all our #NightsafeHeroes.

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